
通過資料庫,能做的事情還是很多的,比如檢視資料資訊,檢視許可權,甚至於搶紅包基於的也是資料庫。 本文基於的APK是領跑娛樂,一個賭博類的APK。如果需要安裝包的可以關注我,不要做非法的事情。


Android手機需要ROOT,本文基於Android 10。



SQLite是一個軟體庫,實現了自給自足的、無伺服器的、零配置的、事務性的 SQL 資料庫引擎。SQLite 是在世界上最廣泛部署的 SQL 資料庫引擎。SQLite 原始碼不受版權限制。



adb shell dumpsys dbinfo com.lingpao.lpcf622b






.tables //顯示所有表.schema //顯示資料庫的schema.schema table_name //顯示錶的schema.headers on //顯示標題欄,即欄位名欄,如在檢視資料中資料時,預設select * from table_name 不顯示欄位名。alter table //修改表。改變表名 - ALTER TABLE 舊錶名 RENAME TO 新表名;增加一列 - ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD COLUMN 列名 資料型別 限定符select * from sqlite_master where type="table"; //顯示所有表的結構select * from sqlite_master where type="table" and name="table_name"; //顯示某個表的結構drop table table_name //刪除表.quit //退出.read FileName //執行FileName中的sql同樣的你也可以使用標準的SQL語句,牢記使用分號結束~select語句;delete語句;update語句;insert語句;


Android 程式安裝儲存



④data/dalvik-cache 將apk中的dex檔案安裝到dalvik-cache目錄下




DatabaseSqliteDatabaseSqliteDatabase.open(path[, options]): opens the SQLite v3 database specified by path, a string containing the filesystem path to the database. By default the database will be opened read-write, but you may customize this behavior by providing an options object with a property named flags, specifying an array of strings containing one or more of the following values: readonly, readwrite, create. The returned SqliteDatabase object will allow you to perform queries on the database.SqliteDatabase.openInline(encodedContents): just like open() but the contents of the database is provided as a string containing its data, Base64-encoded. We recommend gzipping the database before Base64-encoding it, but this is optional and detected by looking for a gzip magic marker. The database is opened read-write, but is 100% in-memory and never touches the filesystem. This is useful for agents that need to bundle a cache of precomputed data, e.g. static analysis data used to guide dynamic analysis.close(): close the database. You should call this function when you’re done with the database, unless you are fine with this happening when the object is garbage-collected or the script is unloaded.exec(sql): execute a raw SQL query, where sql is a string containing the text-representation of the query. The query’s result is ignored, so this should only be used for queries for setting up the database, e.g. table creation.prepare(sql): compile the provided SQL into a SqliteStatement object, where sql is a string containing the text-representation of the query.dump(): dump the database to a gzip-compressed blob encoded as Base64, where the result is returned as a string. This is useful for inlining a cache in your agent’s code, loaded by calling SqliteDatabase.openInline().


騰訊 Bugly,是騰訊公司為移動開發者開放的服務之一,面向移動開發者提供專業的 Crash 監控、崩潰分析等品質跟蹤服務。Bugly 能幫助移動網際網路開發者更及時地發現掌控異常,更全面的了解定位異常,更高效的修復解決異常。



bindInteger(index, value): bind the integer value to indexbindFloat(index, value): bind the floating point value to indexbindText(index, value): bind the text value to indexbindBlob(index, bytes): bind the blob bytes to index, where bytes is an ArrayBuffer, array of byte values, or a stringbindNull(index): bind a null value to indexstep(): either start a new query and get the first result, or move to the next one. Returns an array containing the values in the order specified by the query, or null when the last result is reached. You should call reset() at that point if you intend to use this object again.reset(): reset internal state to allow subsequent queries寫在最後


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