
北京時間2021年10月5日17時45分(斯德哥爾摩時間2021年10月5日 11時 45分),2021年諾貝爾物理學獎獲獎名單公佈。獲獎者為:Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann 和 Giorgio Parisi .

Syukuro Manabe與Klaus Hasselmann共同獲得了一半的諾貝爾物理學獎,獲獎理由:建立了地球氣候的物理模型,能夠量化變化情況、以及可靠預測全球變暖。

諾貝爾物理學獎另一半授予Giorgio Parisi,獲獎理由:發現從原子級到行星級物理系統的無序性與波動之間的相互作用。


Syukuro Manabe


簡 介

(1931年9月21日-),日裔美籍氣象學家。於1958年從東京大學來到美國,在美國氣象局的總迴圈研究部門工作,即現在的地球物理流體動力學實驗室 。從1997年到2001年,他在日本的全球變化前沿研究系統中擔任全球變暖研究部主任。2002年,他為普林斯頓大學大氣與海洋科學計劃的客座研究合作伙伴而回到美國。他目前在大學擔任高階氣象學家。

Klaus Hasselmann


簡 介

Klaus Hasselmann, 德國氣象學家,1931 年 10 月 25 日生於德國漢堡。1955年本科畢業於漢堡大學。1957年獲得哥廷根大學和馬克斯普朗克流體動力學研究所物理學博士。目前擔任歐洲氣候論壇的副主席。

Giorgio Parisi


簡 介

Giorgio Parisi生於1948 年 8 月 4 日,義大利理論物理學家。1970 年獲得了羅馬 La Sapienza 大學學位。從 1981 年到 1992 年,擔任羅馬 Tor Vergata 大學理論物理學的正教授,現任羅馬 Sapienza 大學的量子理論教授。


Complex systems are characterised by randomness and disorder and are difficult to understand. This year’s Prize recognises new methods for describing them and predicting their long-term behaviour.

One complex system of vital importance to humankind is Earth’s climate. Syukuro Manabe demonstrated how increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lead to increased temperatures at the surface of the Earth. In the 1960s, he led the development of physical models of the Earth’s climate and was the first person to explore the interaction between radiation balance and the vertical transport of air masses. His work laid the foundation for the development of current climate models.

About ten years later, Klaus Hasselmann created a model that links together weather and climate, thus answering the question of why climate models can be reliable despite weather being changeable and chaotic. He also developed methods for identifying specific signals, fingerprints, that both natural phenomena and human activities imprint in he climate. His methods have been used to prove that the increased temperature in the atmosphere is due to human emissions of carbon dioxide.

Around 1980, Giorgio Parisi discovered hidden patterns in disordered complex materials. His discoveries are among the most important contributions to the theory of complex systems. They make it possible to understand and describe many different and apparently entirely random materials and phenomena, not only in physics but also in other, very different areas, such as mathematics, biology, neuroscience and machine learning.

“The discoveries being recognised this year demonstrate that our knowledge about the climate rests on a solid scientific foundation, based on a rigorous analysis of observations. This year’s Laureates have all contributed to us gaining deeper insight into the properties and evolution of complex physical systems,” says Thors Hans Hansson, chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics.



2020年10月6日,2020年諾貝爾物理學獎獲獎名單公佈,獲獎者為:Roger Penrose,Reinhard Genzel和Andrea Ghez,以表彰他們在黑洞研究方面做出的卓越貢獻。

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