  • 1 # 藍色的海底1

    141tb = 144384g

    現在儲存廠家儘管主機板和芯片還是採用二進制算法,但是儲存容量都使用十進制的算法,之前因為這樣也被舉報偷工減料,但當幾乎所有的廠家都這麼做的時候,就變成了行業的默認標準了。 按照2進制的算法: 1TB = 1024 GB = 1048576 MB = 1073741824 B(Bytes) 但現在很多的硬盤,U盤儲存商家採用的 10 進制是: 1TB = 1 GB = 1 MB = 1 B(Bytes) 也就是 1TB 既可以是 1073741824 B,也可以是 1 B,也就是2進制換成了10進制算法,實際容量少了7.37%了。 所以廠家標明的硬盤是 1TB,可能是按照 10 進制計算,也就是 1 B 了,但是安裝到電腦後,由於電腦系統採用的是 16進制(可以看做是2進制的一種算法),系統格式化後會顯示 1 / 1024 / 1024 = 953.67GB 了,這個就是同樣的 1TB 使用了不同的概念所得出的差距了。所以硬盤容量,使用 2進制換算,在 953.67GB 到 1024GB 都可以被標注為 1TB 的硬盤容量。 所以您提到的硬盤容量 1TB 是否是 1024GB,需要看使用的是 2 進制,還是 10 進制了。

  • 2 # 番茄1209106994043182



    學科專業:化學、無機化學 應用化學


    研究方向: ① 固體化學 ② 材料化學 ③ 電子封裝材料化學






    3. 參編教材

    無機合成化學, 武漢大學出版社, 2004。


    1.Preparation of spherical silica for Semiconductor (Hubei Province 1995).

    2.Preparation of high pure amorphous spherical silica for LSI (Hubei Province 1997)

    3.Preparation of high pure amorphous spherical silica for ULSI (863 project, the ministry of science and technology of China 2002- 2003).

    4.Preparation of spherical silica for advanced sealing materials used for ULSI (863 project, the ministry of science and technology of China 2004- 2005).



    1. Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, Qingye Wang, Jutang Sun, Luminescence properties of Tb3+ doped monosalicylates, J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1999, 17, 738-740. (in Chinese)

    2. Jutang Sun, Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, The thermal decomposition mechanism of zinc Phthalate, Thermochimica Acta. 2000, 343, 105-109.

    3. Keli Zhang, Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Mechanism of thermal decomposition of barium benzoate, J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 1999, 58, 287-292.

    4. Jutang Sun, Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, The thermal decomposition of zinc monosalicylates, Thermochimica Acta 1999, 333, 141.

    5. Jin Li, Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Eu3+ doped Strontium Aluminate Phosphor with Red Luminescence, J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1998, 16, 1093. (in Chinese)

    6. Yuan Liangjie, Sun Jutang, Luminescence Properties of Salicylate Doped Zinc Benzoate, Spectroscopy Letters, 1998, 31(8):1733-6.

    7. Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Keli Zhang, Luminescence properties of Tb3+-doped strontium pyromellitate, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 1999, 55: 1193.

    8. Jutang Sun, Wei Xie, Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, Qingye Wang, Preparation and Luminescence properties of Tb3+-doped zinc salicylates, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 1999, 64(3): 157-160.

    9. Yuan Liangjie, Sun Jutang, Qingye Wang, Zhang Keli, Luminescence properties of Tb3+-doped strontium quinolinate, Spectroscopy Letters. 1999, 32(5):867-873.

    10. Liangjie Yuan, Keli Zhang, Jutang Sun, Luminescence of Zinc and Europium composite a -thiophene carboxylate, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2000, 20(6), 878-879. (in Chinese)

    11. Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, Keli Zhang,Luminescence of Tb3+ and Eu3+ doped amorphous zinc benzoates,Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 2003, 59(4):729.

    12. Liangjie Yuan, Jutang Sun, et. al, Synthesis and luminescence of zinc and europium a -thiophene carboxylate polymer, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 2003,59 (13): 2949-2953.

    13. Liangjie Yuan, Zicheng Li, Jutang Sun, Keli Zhang,Yunhong Zhou,Synthesis and characterization of activated MnO2, Materials Letters, 2003,57/13~14:1945..

    14. Liangjie Yuan, Mingcai Yin, Eting Yuan, Jutang Sun and Keli Zhang, Syntheses, Structures and Luminescence of Europium a-Thiophene Carboxylates Coordination Polymer and Supramolecular Compound, Inorganic Chimica Acta,2004,357 (1): 89-94.

    15. Yin MC, Yuan LJ, Ai CC, et al. Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of europium and zinc ionic complexes,Polyhedron, 2004,23 (4): 529-536.


    1. Preparation of high pure amorphous spherical silica for ULSI. (awarded in 2002)

    2. Preparation of activated MnO2. (awarded in 2004)

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