  • 1 # myptn4077


  • 2 # 被囚禁的王者

    give me five 就是擊掌,加油give me a high-five,意思也是“擊掌”,所不同的是give me five是雙手平伸而擊掌,而give me a high-five是高舉雙手而擊掌,表現出歡暢的氣氛Give me five是"give me five fingers"的縮略形式,也稱為"high five",意指雙方舉手相互擊掌,用於打招呼或者相互慶賀。"high five"一般為美式用法。

    Give me five是"give me five fingers"的縮略形式,意指雙方舉手相互擊掌,用於打招呼或者相互慶賀.也稱為"high five"give me five意譯:擊下掌.給我力量、勇氣!為我加油!理解為“加油、打氣” 、“嗨,你好”或者是“慶祝勝利”等等.例句:Give me five minutes and I"ll change the wheel. 給我5分鐘的時間,我來換輪子。2. Please give me five fifteen cents stamps and ten aerogrammes. 請給我五張一角五分的郵票和十張航空郵簡。3. Please give me five dollars and thirty cents in stamps. 請給我五元三角的郵票。4. Give me five minutes and I will change the wheel. 給我5分鐘的時間,我來換輪子。5. Just give me five minutes to put desk order. 就給我五份鍾整理一下書桌。high five 簡單釋義 [ˌhaɪ ˈfaɪv]n.(慶祝或問候的手勢)舉手擊掌v. 舉手擊掌致意n.1、a gesture of celebration or greeting in which two people slap each other"s palms with their arms raised(慶祝或問候的手勢)舉手擊掌he grinned and gave him a high five.他咧嘴一笑,和他舉手擊掌致意。v.1[with obj.]greet with such a gesture舉手擊掌致意。

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